Welcome to the TWWW Performance Academy. We wanted to bring you an online learning opportunity for you and your dogs, which enables you to achieve the recognition of performance titles along the way.
Pre-Skool – From when you first get your puppy home
Working on areas of Play, Recalls & Toy Exchange, when you enrol you will get access to our online criteria. Once passed you will achieve the title of TWWW Play Performance-TWWWPP.
One off payment of £19.99
High-Skool- Suitable from 12 months
Enrolling for High Skool at the TWWW Performance Academy, will set you up to work towards achieving the title of TWWW Supreme Performance-TWWWSP.
One off payment of £19.99
Pre-Graduates – Suitable from 15 months
Entry requirements for this performance class, you will need to submit video evidence of your dog doing a full Flyball run.
then we can get to work on graduating the TWWW Performance Academy, via working on specific areas of performance.
Pre-Graduates are enrolled via subscription of £19.99 per month, to be able to work on an area of their run where they need the following.
• Problem Solving
• Improvement
Be prepared for homework! Once you graduate from this performance class you are awarded the title of TWWW Elite Performance -TWWWEP
TWWW Performance Hall of Fame
To automatically enter the TWWW Performance Hall of Fame you need to gain a pass to each class by achieving each of the titles.
You will then be recognised with the title of Tails We Win Workshops Hall of Fame -TWWWHF
Please note you do not need to complete all of the levels. For those who wish to access certain areas of the academy and not work towards achieving their performance titles this is available.